On Tumblr I've written quite a few pieces about shifting, and I want to archive them here in case anything happens. These are the best of the best!
The Shifter's Timeline (new!) - The history of the online shifter community, from the early ages to 2018. More to be added soon!
Grilling and Gatekeeping in the Shifter Community (Tumblr Link)- Musings on the way the community handles abnormal, paradoxical, or weird claims.
Warning PSA (Tumblr Link)- A warning about a predatory person that has been lurking around the supernatural community.
Just a Rule of Thumb (Tumblr Link)- Safety tips when stepping into the community.
Shifting Pointers (Tumblr Link)- Some pointers on shifting for newer shifters.
Good Sources of Supernatural Information (Tumblr Link)- A guide on how to find reputable sources on the supernatural.
Hard Truths (Tumblr Link)- A few hard, but basic truths about shifting.
Otherkin vs. Shifters (Tumblr Link)- Talking about the differences between otherkin and shifters.
What's Wrong with Being Human? (Tumblr Link)- Musings about the idea that the belief in physical shifting always gives someone a complex surrounding it.
The Therian/Otherkin Idea of P-Shifting (Tumblr Link) -Musings about the therian idea of physical shifting, and why I find it interesting.
Shifter Pride Flag (Tumblr Link)- At this point, pride flags are ubiquitous and exist for all sorts of communities to identify members. Why can't we have one?
For Those Caught In-Between (Tumblr Link) - In case you're caught in the crosshairs of the fighting between otherkin and physical shifters.
Shifting Safety Tips (Tumblr Link)- Some tips for shifters looking to get out into the great obdoors
P-Shifting vs Delusions (Tumblr Link) - A deeper look into the differences between physical shifting and delusions.