Breeds and Blackouts
Date Written: Nov 24, 2018
If you are a werewolf and trying to figure out your breed, please realize it isn't anything out of the ordinary, and won't be a "special" kind of breed no one except a select few have heard about before. If it exists, someone somewhere has probably taken note of it before, and it's researchable somewhere.
Many breeds are actually found in mythology and legends. Will they be somewhat distorted from fact? Yes, and depending on who was writing that account and what was involved details may either be spot on or very off. Are there any hidden breeds no one knows about? Very unlikely.
Now, purebreeds are likely to be a rarity nowadays since many people are genetically mixed, but even the results of that mixture won't be out of the ordinary. If you mix one breed of werewolf with another you won't get anything that doesn't look like a wolf, or looks so unlike an animal.
There are NO breeds that are destined to lose control, that become giant or winged wolves, or that transform at the full moon. No breed has ever been created by hunters, no breed with particular biological features alien to the others. No vampire-werewolf hybrids, no five form shifting werewolves.
It's a lot like breeds in the dog world. You've got border collies, German shepherds, borzois and labradors, but they're all essentially the same species despite varied looks, and none have wildly different traits the others lack. You dont have a borzoi with bat wings while there's a bloodthirsty vampiric German shepherd with super strength holding back it's urge to bite. Breeds of werewolf may vary in what they can do and physical appearances, but they dont vary wildly, and at the end of the day they're all werewolves anyway.
This is one of the reasons why there is no such thing as a "lycan/werewolf" divide, and why lycanthropes and werewolves are the same thing. They both refer to human-wolf transforming people - there's no difference where "lycans have control and werewolves don't", that sort of thing. If you're a werewolf, you're also technically a lycanthrope, and vice versa.
Now, to blackouts. If you're seriously claiming that you lose consciousness and wake up somewhere else with no recollection of what happened, or you wake up with blood on you, that is not a werewolf-related concern, but a serious medical or psychological issue. It can be any number of things, from epileptic episodes to low blood sugar to dissociative blackouts, but it is not a werewolf thing. Humans blackout too! Werewolves don't simply wake up in the woods with no recollection of what went on, with blood on their faces. This is not a distinguishing feature of a werewolf, and you cannot use a lack of control or blackouts as a explanation.
Additionally, this extends to other aspects of shifting. When shifted you still have control of yourself - you're not going to shift into a wolf and systematically attack all cameras in your house, or kill all of your family members one by one or something like that. You may be a bit more animalistic, and depending on how you interpret the situation you may react defensively or hide, but you're not going to shift and suddenly wake up naked somewhere, or hunt down all cameras in your house and destroy them. Shifting doesn't work like that.
Most werewolves and breeds are nothing like the stereotypes and misinformation going around right now. They don't black out, randomly attack objects or have unnatural fabulous breeds with wings and spiritual powers. They're simply people who transform into wolves, more or less.