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On Demons and What They Are Not

Date Written: Jul 9, 2020

When some people think of demons they think of spirits or creatures that can do evil and harm others, and are not to be trusted. When others think of demons they think of creatures who are dark in nature but can make good friends and loyal allies. The second side is often open to the idea of demon hybrids, good demons, demon incarnates and more. Which isn't always bad or wrong, but a lot of times they misidentify non-demons and real demons, and lump them all together as if they're the same and have the same, often stereotypical or misidentified traits.


I'm writing this as a sort of challenge to the idea that demons, even incarnated, have these traits. I don't think a demon, even in a human body would have these traits and some of the things listed are commonly misunderstood to be actual demons when they are actually not.

Demons are not...


1. Beings from another world


Demons are not aliens. As far as I'm aware demons are supposed to be from Earth, hence why we call them demons and not aliens. They might have a spiritual world of their own they can go to, but this does not mean they are from another world entirely. Demons are not physical creatures and do not have a physical world they exist in. They cannot reproduce sexually, do not die, and presumably do not interact the way living organisms might.


2. Physical creatures


Although I believe demons could manifest as physical creatures in the world, I don't think they exist AS physical creatures in their natural state. There is no "demon DNA" that can be passed down from a parent to a child, and even if that was possible...why would a demon mate with a human? Taking on the physical form of a creature doesn't mean you would BE the creature and would be able to reproduce with them.


3. Thoughtforms or alters


A true demon is not created by the mind, but is a distinct entity all by itself. I'm not saying you can't identify as a demon, or create a demonic mind entity, but they are not going to be the same as a demon, an organic demon created however real demons are created. Alters are created by the mind to protect a child, and thoughtforms are created for a bunch of reasons, but they're not the same as an actual demon spirit which was never created by a human mind, and may not abide by the common demonic stereotypes many people attribute to demons.


4. Good creatures


The reason why I argue against demons being good and helpful is because demons are literally called that because they are demonic, aka bad spirits. The usage of the term demon arose with the Greek word daimones, which indicated that daimones are spirits which could be good or bad. There were two categories of daimones as well, agathodaimones and kakodaimons, being good and bad daimones respectively. These would become the "angels" and "demons" of Christian Theology, so to claim that a spirit literally labeled "bad spirit" can be good in any way is silly. If a "demon" you're working with is good, it's probably not a demon. A demon isn't going to be buddy-buddy with you or inhabit your body in a friendly timeshare, real demons are more malevolent.


To insist there can be good demons would be like insisting there are murderers which do not murder, or criminals which commit no crimes. If that's the case...maybe you're not dealing with what you think you're dealing with.For more info look here:


5. Dark and edgy


Similarly, I don't believe just because you feel dark or think suicidal thoughts means that you're a demon. I do sympathize with your struggles or feeling as if you're a dark, misunderstood creature but I don't think that is an indication that you are an entity that was made to harm human beings. Additionally, if this was the case and you happened to be born into a human body, you would then have access to all the range of human emotions and feelings, and you wouldn't need to be edgy. You could be a happy-go-lucky demon with the range of emotions most humans have accessible.


6. Shifters based on being a demon alone


Having powers in one life doesn't mean it will transfer over to the next. You may have been a demon who could transform while you were disincarnate, but as a human that ability isn't granted based on spiritual heritage alone. You need to be genetically a shifter in order to physically shift. Spiritual abilities may not be as limited, but anything involving the physical body will on some level need to involve genetics and DNA.


7. Beings that can hybridize


Demons have no DNA, so they cannot reproduce and create any kind of hybrid whatsoever. There are no demon-wolf hybrids, demon-fox hybrids, demon-witch hybrids or anything else involving a physical entity and a non-physical entity. Even spirit-hybrids are pushing it, as to my knowledge spirits do not have the ability to sexually reproduce and combine their traits in this way.


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I'm open to debate on any of these points. It just makes more sense to me that demons or even demon incarnates (if they exist) would at the very least, not have the traits listed above. I'm not saying you can't identify yourself as a demon, but if these are the traits you've based your demonhood off of, it might be wise for you to reexamine yourself.

Image by Daniil Silantev

Last updated 1/18/25.

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