I've made steps to archive all of the sites I know of, but I might have missed a few. You are encouraged to go over them and see if I didn't archive anything, or archive some sites of your own. Use the profiles of others to get to various places on the Webs platform.
Ember Pack II - https://emberpackii.webs.com/ Pariah Pack II - https://pariahpack2.webs.com/
I am a Therianthrope - https://iamatherianthrope.webs.com/
Aurora Pack - https://aurora-pack.webs.com/ Recolitus Lupus Sarcina - https://recolituslupuspack.webs.com/
Strong Guardians - https://strongguardians.webs.com/
Firebloom - https://firebloomm.webs.com
Supernatural Unveiled - https://unveiledtruths.webs.com/
The Sea Nymphs Ocean Pod - https://theseanymphs.webs.com/apps/blog/
Blue Moon Wulf Pack - https://bluemoonwulfpack.webs.com/
Freedom Runners Pack - freedomrunnerspack.webs.com
Dreamcatchers - https://dreamcatcherswolfpack.webs.com/
Clawmoons - https://clawmoons.webs.com/
Haven 4 Bears - https://haven4bears.webs.com/
Peace Howlers - https://peacehowlers.webs.com/
Wings For All - https://wingsforall.webs.com/
Elemental Wolves - https://elementalshifters.webs.com/
Shifter School - https://shifterschool.webs.com/
Seek the Sea - https://seekthesea.webs.com/
Soul of the Shifter - https://souloftheshiftertribe.webs.com/
Supernatural Academy - https://multisupernaturalacademy.webs.com/
Tears of a Mermaid - https://tearsofamermaid.webs.com/
The Winged Onez Flock - https://thewingedonez.webs.com/
Storm Heart Pack - https://stormheartpack.webs.com/
Path Reshoku Shifter Pack - https://deathslash.webs.com/
Shapeshifting - https://shapeshifting.webs.com/
Unito Cuori - https://unitedstrength.webs.com/
Of Arda Eryn Erellon - https://ardaerellon.webs.com/
Design a Magic Academy - https://designamagicacademy.webs.com/
The Berserker Family - https://theberserkerfamily.webs.com/
House Atrum Nox Noctis - https://houseofdarksouls.webs.com/
Essence Pack - https://essencepack.webs.com/
Order of the Lamb - https://orderofthelamb.webs.com/
The Power of Cosmeria - https://cosmeria.webs.com/
Shadow Fangs - https://shadowfangs.webs.com/
Learn the Arts - https://demis4real.webs.com/
Dragon Lovers Unite - https://dragonownersunite.webs.com/
Shadow Leopards Pack - https://shadowleopardspack.webs.com/
Vampire Coven - https://vampcoven.webs.com/
Ice Moon Pack - https://icemoonpack.webs.com/
Shimmering Mist Therians - https://shimmeringmistpack.webs.com/
Magic is Not as it Seems - https://mermaidpowerbiokenesis.webs.com/
Shadow Spirit Wolf Pack - https://shadowspiritwolfpack.webs.com/
Free Wolves Pack - https://runningfreewithwolves.webs.com/
Syngenis - https://syngenispack.webs.com/
The Imperial Veil - https://theimperialveil.webs.com/
Stainless Blood Pack - https://origonalstainlessbloodpack.webs.com/
Crystal Moon Wolf Pack - https://crystalmoonwolves.webs.com/
Soul Spirit Pack - https://soulspiritpack.webs.com/
Demons of the Shadows - https://demonsoftheshadows.webs.com/
Dawn Rising Therian Pack - https://dawnrisingtherianpack.webs.com/
Shadow Wolf Pack - https://packoftheshadowwolf.webs.com/
Skins and Spirits Therianthropy - htts://skinsandspiritstherianthropy.webs.com/
Wolves of the Sky - https://wolvesoftheskysite.webs.com/
Shadow Moon Pack - https://wolf-pack-shadow-moon.webs.com/
Full Moon Werewolf Pack - https://fullmoonwerewolfpack.webs.com/
How to Become a Werewolf (Scammer) - https://werewolfman.webs.com/
Serigala Pack - https://serigalapack.webs.com/
TheSupernaturralOnes - https://thesupernaturalones.webs.com/
Inferno Shadows Pack - https://infernoshadowspack.webs.com/
Guardian Weres - https://guardianweres.webs.com/
AWTOK and Hunters - https://awtokandhunters.webs.com/
Canine Family - https://caninefamily.webs.com/
The Ocean Guardians Pod - https://theoceanguardianspod.webs.com/
The Mermaid Academy - https://themermaidacademy.webs.com/
So You Wanna Be a Mermaid - https://web.archive.org/web/20130617174443/http://real-mermaids.webs.com/
Kaishin's Merfolk Site - https://web.archive.org/web/20130616050928/http://kaishin.webs.com/
A Place for Mermaids and Soon to be Mermaids - https://web.archive.org/web/20130415004537/http://mysecretsemimermaidlife.webs.com/
Sites that might have been archived: